I'm not that girl

There had been times in the past that she had wondered about pups of her own. She really liked taking care of Sirius and Apollo, even though they weren't exactly hers. Sometimes she had thought that she was taking too much of the responsibility away from Deuce--she had entrusted the older female with them, after all, but after they were weaned Naniko had brought them up to the house.

Lucifer had told her that Deuce wasn't well, that he wanted to make sure that she didn't hurt any of the pups or hurt herself. She wasn't sure what could drive someone to do such a thing...to harm their own offspring or to try and hurt themselves...but she had known that it wasn't something that she wanted the little ones to be exposed to. Lucifer had agreed that it would be safer for them if all five of the children, young Jazper included, stayed in the bedrooms upstairs in the house...at least at night.

Lucifer took care of his sons, and Naniko still kept up up with Sirius and Apollo. "Hmm? The pups? They're great. I don't see any trouble coming out of them; so far all five of the boys have been really well behaved. I mean, they get into mischief, like little ones will...but just one word and they're right back on track. Why? Sirius didn't...well...he didn't mean to spill all of that paint. Lucifer and I were painting the shed outside and we didn't hear him coming up around the other side."

He was taking her down the hall and she allowed him to lead her, looking curiously ahead of them. What was he trying to say? "I...well, thanks. I try to picture my own mother, Kaelyn, when I'm around them....and then I do exactly opposite of what I think she would have done." She grinned at the joke, trying to bring a light air to the situation. He looked so serious, though, that after a few seconds she spoke again. "They'll be growing up really soon"


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