I'm not that girl
I hate lightening..and thunder. D; What kind of weird noises are coming from the factory? o__o Maybe they're having a party. XD

The fact was, when it came to things like the decision to have children and what would happen during pregnancy, Conri really didn't have any guidance their. His mother had come and gone far to often for him to have a chance to spend time with her, to ask her about such things, and now all he really had to turn to was Lucifer. Heck, not even Noah was around anymore to guide him. Despite all of that though, Conri was confident that they would be able to pull through, even with his lack of an arm making it hard for him to do things. Naniko likely had enough strength for the both of them, which was a large reason that he had faith, along with the fact that he would give everything that he could to help.

When she spoke about..trying, his ears perked up suddenly, eyes slightly wide at her words. He wasn't used to hearing her say something like that and, secretly, it was still slightly awkward for him. He wished he could..do more..though with his lack of an arm it seemed to hinder his techniques. At least, he hadn't really tried to get anything down. How embarrassing would it be for Naniko to walk in on him trying to 'practice' so that he didn't seem so silly or pathetic when he was with her? Whatever the case, these were things that Conri kept to himself. He grinned at her then, nodding his head with a little wiggle of his eyebrows.

Leaning forward just a bit, Conri leveled his muzzle out with her, smiling once before sliding his own muzzle against hers. Tender touches seemed to be his thing really, and even if it was all about starting a family, the love that he had for Naniko showed through in every action. Sliding his muzzle back up the side of her, he placed small kisses against her chin, nibbling at the fur there between kisses, all the way down her jaw as he went. His arm was still wrapped around her, keeping her near him, while his hand caressed her back, running through the soft fur to create small patterns with his fingers.


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