i know my ship is coming in

OoC: Feel free to end it however. I might be able to do one more post because I finally bought a new comp ^__^ your choice. I’m sorry about my erratic posting lately (or lack thereof) thanks for dealing with me! =) Words- 600+

There is a feeling of power that comes with holding a deadly weapon. That power is only multiplied so many more times when the wielder has training to make a deadly weapon even more lethal. The wolfess Jaden had in his company didn’t seem at all dangerous and he felt even in a fight he would easily overpower her (as a trained killer must judge everyone in this way), but a deep comfort was felt by the injured brute as he shouldered his weapon and limped back toward Alae.

She continued to speak of Conor: the former leader of Dahlia de Mai whom she never had a chance to answer to. It seemed odd to Jaden that the new leader of Dahlia was now female. In Uva Atka’s Alaskan territory this would have never happened. They believed females were only to be mothers and care takers, as there god instructed. Despite his attempts to consciously divert all his beliefs away from that religion he still judged Dahlia and all the pack’s wolves negatively for having a female leader. It was a natural reaction; no thought, no debate, just a few lost points in Jaden’s book. A debt was a debt though, the Alaskan figured, and he knew the few lost points for having Nayru as a leader wouldn’t change or effect his final decision on what to do about this news.

“It’s a shame you never met him, but I’m sure any Dahlian wolf would make a great leader. Any of the ones I’ve met thus far anyway,” said Jaden kindly. Alea then commented on her slightly skittish companion in response to his observation. He nodded politely back and when she also said she would avoid Alaska, the dark male thanked her. “You won’t be missing anything. I promise,” He added and suddenly found himself wondering just how much his promise meant to Alea. He guessed it wasn’t much. They were still only strangers.

After a moment or two of limping form where his weapon had fallen, Jaden was standing in front of Alae. She still sat in a graceful position that the male knew would hurt if he attempted. The Alaskan put his good foot forward and offered his hand to her. Another natural instinct when it came to dealing with females was to be polite. After his first inspection of her slender and attractive hourglass figure, it was plainly obvious Alea weighed less then Jaden with his more chiseled and think, masculine luperci figure. Even with his injured ankle the man was sure he could pull her to her feet. His footing was careful. It would be awfully embarrassing if Alea pulled him over onto her. Much more so if he dropped her.

“What is a real shame is that I never got the chance to see Conor within Dahlia before his disappearance,” Jaden answered, “But I had wanted to. Perhaps I will stop by and howl at the borders before I find reason to leave the area.” Jaden didn’t let on that he was contemplating joining Dahlia de Mai. He wasn’t sure of his choice and it would be pointless to give Alea false information should he just decide to leave. “But for now I should go. All this excitement has gotten me hungry and I’m eager to attempt hunting with my injured paw.” Time would tell just how much damage the wound would cause. Jaden was a good shot with his bow, but one shot kills on deer were difficult to make. Unless he could score one, he would be stuck eating small game for a good month or so. But that was unimportant. The man hated pity so he just smiled at Alea and tried to look sure of himself. “You’ll listen for me should I come a’ howlin’?”

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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