getting started
Hey Jonathan!

I'm Sie, roleplayer of Eris here, and semi-useful (depending on who you ask XD) admin here at 'Souls. :3

The Requests forum is acutally for Graphics Requests rather than assistance requests and the like. ^^; No big deal, though, I've split your post off and moved it to the proper forums. Big Grin Our navigation is fairly confusing at first, so it's quite alright if you encounter some confusion and uncertainty. This forum -- Help and Questions -- is the best place to post if you need assistance, however. ^_^

I would start off at 'Souls by reading over the game information topics in the RP Information forum, but it sounds as if you may have already checked this out. The Joining information is how you actually join the game, but the other topics in there are (mostly) important as well.

If you haven't already seen it, parts of the RP Guide will be very useful for you -- this guide contains a ton of information regarding character creation and the like. I'd pay attention to the articles marked "Beginner" as they're geared toward those new to 'Souls or new to roleplay (not sure if you have prior experience ^^Wink.

There's not really a "best" character type -- you should roleplay what you feel will be interesting and fun! For some, this may be a young puppy that they can develop and grow with; for others, it might be an older character with an established past and history. The Character section of the RP Guide -- specifically, Basics, Appearance, and Personality -- will probably be the most use for you in developing your character.

I would probably start by jotting down some notes for your character -- you can do that here, in this topic, or in a private Word or Notepad or Google Document. If you'd like to post your character notes publicly here, others can give you feedback. Big Grin When you have your character's basic idea down, check our your Control Panel. You can edit your character's information in there. There is a guide for filling out a complete profile available here for you.

If it's completely overwhelming for you to think up a few character, I would recommend checking out the Open Characters list -- these are adoptable characters available on the board. :3

I hope that's a good foundation for you to get started -- there's still more to worry about (primarily, whether you'd like to join a pack and which one -- I recommend joining a pack, as it's a great way to get involved, and Loners sometimes encounter more trouble finding threads and roleplay opportunities). If you require further assistance, do feel free to post to this topic -- I'll be watching out and I'm sure others can contribute, too! Welcome to 'Souls. ^^

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