just seen a face [j]

Couldn't hear? The words took Jasper by surprise and for a moment the young male could only stand and stare. What was he supposed to do now? He didn't want to let on at all that it would actually be his decision whether or not to allow a newcomer in if he greeted them, definitely not a choice that he wanted to make, but those were the orders of the Omega and Jasper didn't really have a choice. Suddenly confused, ivory teeth slipped over his bottom lip, chewing lightly in a nervous manner. How could he possibly find out the information needed if he couldn't communicate with the male, he didn't have a paper and pencil handy.

It was at that moment that the idea hit him and he quickly released the handle of the wagon, shifting his weight to drop him toward the ground. He landed in a seated position, legs curling toward his body, and he lifted one finger, pointing at the stranger. With that finger he motioned, almost as if signaling the other to come closer, and then pressed it against the ground. It took a bit of effort, the dirt was hard and cold, but finally Jasper managed to write the words in the dirt. Can you read and write? It might take a bit but, if the stranger could, then Jasper could get the information needed. Not that he would really turn away a deaf coyote.


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