just seen a face [j]

The grin from the stranger had given Jasper the slightest bit of hope that his idea had been at least halfway decent and, when finally words were once more spoken, it was confirmed for him. Smiling, though very slightly, Jasper gave a bit of a nod in understanding, though there was a bit of hesitation hidden inside of him. Did he really want to get so close to a stranger to speak with them? Jasper knew horrors, he often read many different kinds of books, and he understood that the stranger could up and slit his throat at any time if he were that close. What else was there to do though? If he kept writing in the dirt like that it would end up killing his fingers.

Leaning forward just a bit, very slowly, he began to speak. "I'm Jasper, this place is the Pack of White Supremacy." He began, doing his best to speak as clearly as he could, though not to loudly in case it actually worked and it hurt the ears of the male. "Do you have any skills, anything different from hunting or things like that?" Jasper could only imagine that simple things like hunting were extra difficult for the older coyote. He leaned back after a short moment then, two toned eyes seeking out the face of the other, in search of some expression of understanding or even the answer to his question.


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