I'm not that girl
Conri was not so bold that he would act on all of the thoughts that sprung into his mind. Though this had been something that they had experienced together before, it still had that new feeling and he didn't want to rush things, they would come with time. Despite how eager and ready Conri really was, his movements were paced and calm, everything about what he was doing seemed to be fluid. It had to have been something special, he told himself, that he was so nervous but when it came down to it, knowing that he was with Naniko, none of it showed.

The sounds that she made, no matter how quiet, sent chills through him and only caused him to keep going. It was exciting, really, and he didn't know what it was about it that made him that much more excited, but it did. His hand continued to trail against the top of her leg, falling slowly down to the inside of her thigh. He caressed the fur there, running his fingers through it in gentle patterns as he worked his way upward, finally reaching the point that he could begin to feel the moisture on her fur. At about that moment his head had reached her lower abdomen, where he traces gentle lines across with his tongue, nibbling at the fur here and there.


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