When you're gone [LEADER NEEDED]

It seemed like a lot of the family was meeting here, some members that Ember had never met before. Fatin had been adopted into the family long before Ember had come along; she had said that she was the adopted sister of Lisi...so Ember had felt relieved to find her here. Melisande, too. But now she wasn't sure if Melisande was around or not, because she had been living in Labrynth Glen for a few months and hadn't seen the white female anywhere around.

Wherever she went, there was always someone she knew, or some family member that hadn't been discovered yet. Ember was certainly happy that Magdalena had reappeared, but she still held a bit of resentment toward the older female. Ember wanted to be the one going off on adventures and leaving the packlands. She'd tried to go, right before the fire, but had come back to the lands when she'd seen the smoke off in the distance. Some adventure.

But this was her sister's return, and there was no time for her to be angry. She should be happy. Iskata nudged her toward her older sibling and she came forward a little, ears back, betraying her. "Ah...hello. Yes" She felt stupid, only saying that. When Magdalena spoke of Davinci and Firefly her ears perked forward with interest, then fell back again. "I should have known she wasn't coming back." If she was the one out having adventures with Davinci, though, she wouldn't have wanted to come back either, though.


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