our endless numbered days [p]

Ezra. The name now stowed away in her memory along side his scent. At one time it had bothered Anann that she knew many of her other pack mates so little. When she had first joined the court she had expected that it wouldn't take long to become familiar with everyone as she had in her homeland. But so many had come and gone and Anann knew many of them as only strange scents that had that lingered upon their land for a few weeks before vanishing. So it seemed a vain attempt to try met everyone. Eventually she had accepted the idea that if they stayed in the court long enough she would eventually run into them. For the Miracles pack seemed to spread out. Sure, many lived at the hotel, but just as many made their homes elsewhere.

"Yes," she said with a small grin, "and no." She turned and pointed towards her cabin just to the south east edge of the training grounds. "That cabin there is mine and I set up this training area, but it is free for all to use. Though I prefer others not to trespass within my home." A fair request and a courtesy that most would find obvious for the place clear smelled of the woman, and as of late her exclusively.

Anann couldn't help but look the male over. Gauging that his secui form was roughly the same size of her own. Which only made her curious to the size of his optime and if would be as comparable. Training already on her mind though it was too early to say that black and ebony male was even interested in such a thing, though he seemed to be well built for it. His scars made it obvious testament that he had at l been in a fight or two before. "Training something you'd be interested in?" she asked, simply curious. "I'm always up for sparring, any form. That went for fighting form as well as their physical forms. She preferred her optime, but liked to keep practiced in all her forms.

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