past the outfield
Iskata had been absorbed in her own thoughts and hadn't even noticed the approaching male, something that hadn't happened for a long time. The sudden voice raising over the suft made her pin her ears back against her head as she tried to stare out past the flames to see who was intruding upon her small claim on the beach. It took her too long to find and fiure out who the voice belonged to from the prolonged time she'd spent gazing into the flames but after a while of staring into the darkness she found the face that belonged with the voice.

She stared at him silently as she tried to piece together the words he'd said. Once long ago someone had tried to teach her the language, though there was little she could say at all, time had stolen the broken tutoring skills from her. Raising herself up she called out softly. "Sorry... no.. hable español muy bien?" The words were studdered and broken, her grasp on the few words she knew so sad. A Sheepish grin spread across her face as she laughed at her sorry excuse of a sentence.

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