Mo' money, mo' problems

Back when she had lived in Clouded Tears Naniko had been a very different wolf...a wolf much like this girl, perhaps. From what she could observe in the girl's behavior she was somewhat afraid or shy; her head kept going down as if she had done something to deserve wrath from the white Angela. Naniko had often feared Laruku when she had been younger, as he'd been much older and wiser than she...she had been afraid that at any second he would decide she wasn't worth having around and tell her she had to leave, for some reason. After Iskata had left, Naniko had wondered if she had been more of a burden than anything else on the grizzled Alpha.

"Good to meet you, Gemma. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you into the pack when you joined. Are you liking it here so far? Some of the canines can be less than friendly...but I hope you feel that you fit in" Naniko said. She nodded when the girl mentioned wanting to find a job or duty within the pack. She could imagine that it would get rather boring around Anathema without something to occupy one's time. "We have many depends on what one is interested in. We have a rank for those who wish to pursue medicine and healing, weapon-wielding, pup-sitting, spying...did you have a duty in the last place that you lived that you really enjoyed?" She asked. She motioned for the girl to follow her back to the caves, beginning to walk once more. They could continue speaking inside, perhaps, where the leader could have a nice sit-down.

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