our endless numbered days [p]

Maybe after this thread they could become sparring partners or friendssssss :3

Ezra soon became aware that he was intruding, and a flash of embarrassment crossed his face. His ears soon flattened to his superior; the lady before him deserved respect and he felt sorry for entering her land. Ezra wouldn’t have been as polite if a stranger showed up outside his house, regardless of pack alliance. “Well, I hope I didn’t bother you showing up like this,” the male said respectfully. He got good vibes from the blonde woman before him and didn’t want any potential relationship between them to go awry because of his intrusion.

Sparring came up, and Ezra’s hesitance quickly dissolved. “I’d love to!” the male barked happily, secui form pacing in excitement. “I got my ass kicked a while ago, and I don’t want that happening again. I’d also like to get better so I could protect Ever if the need ever arises,” Ezra hated the scars Ouija gave him; he viewed them as a loss and an embarrassment. Trying his best to not look at the tragedy on his shoulder, Ezra looked at Annan instead. “If you’d give me a moment to shift, we could give it a go.”

Ezra let the familiar force wash over him as his body began to elongate and expand, his charcoal mane growing down his back. These days, his optime form had become more and more salt and pepper; a sign of his age, perhaps. He wasn’t a pup anymore and it definitely started to show. However, Ezra had gotten better at shifting forms after having the curse for six months. He practiced in secret when Ever wasn’t around, and it was quite easy for the male to become two legged. Shifted, the wolfdog gave his acquaintance a smile and a “Ready?” He was excited to see how well he could stand up to the blonde woman before him.

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Table by alli <3


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