J. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Preferred Rank: Stage
Currently Played Characters: Ayasha
Initial Post: Rory Ward was riding on his white mare Treasa with his 2 week old niece in a sling on his chest. He shook his head. Ah, me wee lass, I often think that yer mother would be a better mum then I. ‘Twas as shame that she died really. He placed a kiss on Saorise’s head. So far she was looking like a mix of her mother, Nora, and her father. It looked like she was going to be mostly mahogany with some white. Treasa nodded her head in agreement with Rory’s assessment of his parenting skills. Now, be nice. He admonished his mare. As an Irish Draft horse, she was strong yet gentle. But she did seem to tease Rory.

He headed to the border of Cercatori D’Arte. He had asked around a Freetown for a place for a dog with his skills to stay and they had told him Cercatori D’Arte. He hoped that they would accept him and his niece. He had killed the dog that had raped his sister but he had never hurt anyone else, except in self-defense. He kept a nose on the borders and stopped when they were about 25 feet from the border. He gave a loud bark for a leader to come and settled in to wait. What do ya think, lass? Will they let yer ole uncle in here? Saorise was of course fast asleep and couldn’t answer her uncle.

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