Joining - Looking for a Home (Leader Needed)
(ooc: Thank you, and your writing is wonderful as well)

Raising her head slightly to glance at the man in front of her, Mai felt her fur bristle nervously. His size made her want to bow her head back down but his request had been almost an order, and so she kept her gaze. She knew he could probably kill her in a second if he really felt disrespected. Unconsciously kneading the ground beneath her paws, she finally spoke up when it seemed that he had nothing left to say. “I am Mai.” Her already soft voice quivered slightly in her anxiousness.“I’ve been wandering for a month now, after leaving my home, and I-I was wondering if I could possibly join this family.”

Her eyes flickered over the man, much taller than she in optime form. He didn’t look especially friendly but, he hadn’t said or done anything remotely threatening and Mai felt her haunches and spine relax. She wondered what the other pack members would be like - if she was let in, of course- and if she would spend her life here. She wondered if someday she’d have and raise her pups in this territory. The questions filled her mind and excitement flowed through her at the thought of settling down here. She wasn’t even part of the pack and yet she could feel all the opportunities around her. Living with her grandmother, it was always so quiet and calm and lonely. Mai had never had companions before, nor a real family, and couldn’t wait to get the chance to.

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