The little things in life

Word Count → 520

He had only just begun to clean when he heard rushing footsteps. Bangle turned from his position in the living room to see Skye at the doorway, looking distraught even from a distance. "Skye, what's th'-" The male stopped mid sentence when he saw only two pups that she put down, and looked around for Nathaniel. That minion was just like him in every way, and had thought that maybe he trailed behind his mother a bit.

But a sickening feeling in his stomach arose when 'Zulie spoke up curiously, which caused Skye to break down and cry. Bright orange-yellow eyes dulled, and widened in the craftsman's face. "Where's.." But the female's cries were loud, and Bangle crossed the room in a few swift steps to get to her, the pups now at his feet. Placing his hands on her shaking shoulders, Bangle looked into her face as she choked out an explanation. As she mentioned her falling asleep, he took on a look of sympathy for her, he knew how hard she was working, and knew she couldn't help but be exhausted when she was finally able to relax.

But she wasn't finished, and her last words were hard for her to choke out. His expression hardened, and the coywolf's worst fears had come true. Everything seemed to freeze around him, and he hardly noticed the desperate whining of his other two children, huddled close to their mother's feet.

Gone. 'Thaniel, the troublemaker most like him, was gone. Someone had taken him.

"No.." The male uttered, shock evident in his once jovial voice. He attempted to express himself in words, but they didn't come out. A cold fear ran up his spine, attempting to take in the news. When it finally sunk in, Bangle reacted the only way he could. "No.. no, no, NO!!" With each word repeated his voice ascended, until it finally erupted into an angry tone that even scared the other two minions. Their bodies shrunk behind their mother.

Bangle backed away from what remained of his family and angrily swung his arm at objects he just picked up. They littered the floor and broke into several bits. He began to breath hard, and braced himself on the table, possibly to keep him from falling to the ground. Shutting his eyes tightly, he knew he had to control himself, though inwardly he felt himself shaking. The coywolf male knew he couldn't blame his mate, he knew how much wanderlust 'Thaniel had in him. When Bangle was younger, he did the very same, but at such a young age a pup had no real concept of danger. Not when it was enticing.

After a few moments of silence, the male still remained bracing himself against the wooden table, head still bent and refusing to look at the other three. "What happened, Skye?" He knew he had to get as much information as possible, though he wasn't sure how much of it he would grasp right now. The craftsman's mind was reeling, and he felt sick; but once thing was certain - Bangle needed to find their son.

Image courtesy of Dan Zen@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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