Ready For Summer Nights

Word Count → 343 :: Selena: "Wait, I thought people only had one mom." Ah, she is so sheltered. xD

The ivory she at first thought Aslan was poking fun at her name, but she deciphered his tone as one of that lack spite. Already, she was starting to take a liking to the young boy for the fact that he did not laugh at her name; it at least showed maturity that some even older than he did not possess. Again, she smiled at his words as he spoke a smartly worded metaphor, and wondered if he was perhaps a writer or read novels that were beyond his age group. But she decided not to ask, since it may not be noteworthy for Aslan to tell such to her. She guessed not every youth would be like she was when she was littler: nose in the books, obsessed with knowledge, and no times for friends but her family, which was enough for her back then.

Selena was confused when he mentioned “one of his mothers”. She did not quite understand what he meant by that, but she just let that thought slip away as she spoke. “I used to have horses, or at least my family did.” Her family had a stable back in Boston, though it was small and could only contain one or two horses, and they usually did not enjoy Selena’s company. “They were used for trade, though, so I never got to know much about them. They are good creatures, very hardy in nature; consider yourself lucky to have one that likes you.

“Yes, I guess that I am fairly new around here. I was from a port town, about a two-week trip away from here.” It was clear in her tone that she did not want to talk much about her old home, but she remained friendly none the less. “So, I know that Inferni has lots of warriors here; do you hope to become one, one day?” It was not Selena’s dream to be a warrior despite her own skills, but she was interested in others’ dreams. After all, without a goal a person was nothing.

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The snake will always bite back

Selena Black

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