The little things in life

WC: 540

Skye's ears flattened against her head as her mate began to yell out 'no' - her pups scampered behind her, afraid of the coywolf's loud outbursts. The woman had stopped crying long enough for her to calm herself - sobbing and crying wouldn't help anyone find Nathaniel. She watched as Bangle backed away from her, and she was afraid that he was angry at her - not that she wouldn't deserve it, after losing Nathaniel so carelessly like that. She turned around and looked at her pups on the ground, kneeling down to them, caressing them and telling them comforting words until they stopped shaking at the loud noises their father made and began to calm down.

That ended, however, as a loud shattering crash behind her made them begin to cry all over again. Harried, the mother picked up her children and whispered to them, turning around and seeing the broken glass all over the floor. She had picked them up so that they wouldn't wander into it and hurt themselves or something equally horrible - she murmured to them until they calmed down again, and she stared at Bangle; she hadn't seen him lose his temper quite like this in a long time, although she could tell now that he was simply angry in general and wasn't taking out his anger on his family.

She watched as the coywolf braced himself against the table, shaking, but attempting to keep himself under control. She didn't try and intervene, and the pups clutched against her, looking at their father with a mixture of curiousity and startled wonder; she murmured to them again, getting them to revert to their normally calm selves; Erzulie looked up at Skye and back to Bangle while Robert began to fall asleep, seemingly tired from all the yelling and searching and crying.

Bangle didn't turn around, but he did ask Skye a question, which she answered the best she could.

"I had taken the pups out to Ethereal Eclipse so they could see more of the forest," she began, remarkably calm. "We played for a while, and then I fell asleep with my pups in my arms - all of them. I thought that they were asleep too." She paused, then continued the story.

"When I awoke, Nathaniel was gone. I followed his scent as far as I could, which was pretty far - perhaps half a mile. It mingled with the scent of a man - all I could get from the scent was that he was a man. I couldn't get his pack or species. The scents mingled for a while, then disappeared soon after... Nathaniel's scent didn't seem scared, and there wasn't any blood or sign of a struggle... maybe the man thought Nathaniel was lost and brought him to his home or something... I tried calling out for him for the longest time, I looked everywhere; but there was no sign of our son," she said miserably.

That was the good part - the part that gave her hope. There was no blood and no sign of a struggle. That means the man didn't harm her baby.. at least, not yet. The thought pricked at her mind and made her shiver in horror - no, she wouldn't think of that possibility.

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