our endless numbered days [p]


The black and white male appeared a little sheepish as Anann admitted her claim on the parcel of land upon which they stood. His stature becoming a bit more submissive as he said he hoped he wasn’t a bother. Anann waved a golden hand dismissing the very idea. ”No, no; not a bother at all. As I said, the training grounds are open to any of the pack.” She said with a reassuring smile. She was actually glad to see more and more of the pack using the meager training area she had managed to put together. For the longest time it seeemed as if only Haven and herself used the grounds.

Anann couldn’t help but smile at Ezra’s playful antics as sparring came up. Though she held back the soft chuckle. Her expression turning more serious as he went on to explain his reasons for wishing to train. She gave a nod as he requested and turned her back as he changed forms, knowing some felt that watching one shift about as courteous as watching one take a shit. Not that Anann particularly felt that way, it was nothing more than a simple courtesy.

Once his shift had completed, Anann turned around at his ready. She was disappointed that his optime was not as impressive as his secui, at least in compression of size to her own; she almost of full foot of height that on him. Size wasn’t everything and his physic was lithe and sleek, if he had good coordination and speed it could be a good advantage. ”Alright, well show me what you’ve got.” She stood there rather casually, her voice flat and simply motioning him forward with two fingers. Always more of a defensive fighter, Anann preferred her opponent attacked first, particularly the first time they sparred. It let her better gauge his skill and just how much she needed to hold back.

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