there's a shark in the water [p]
This here is a weird post! But I remembered to reply! :3 I hope it's okay for me to assume he slowed down when he saw her? If not I'll change it. :o 500+

With haste Sage flew through the forest, thin fingers clutching her stallion's mane with a firm, but gentle grasp. Lennon's powerful legs propelled him quickly over the forest floor, crashing through small bushes and twigs without thought. His hooves made a mighty, terrific sound on the hard-packed dirt. The earthen girl's large ears were back and dark lock dangled, tangling behind her head in the whipping wind. Golden eyes focused ahead, out; she needed to move.

The Optio had stayed in Inferni for many of her recent days, and now longed to get out. She felt stifled, there, after too long; she had to escape those brooding, nasty stares she sometimes got. She didn't like to be hated, and in fact strove for the opposite at every chance she got. Recently, even, she'd tried with Halo. Her efforts were slow-going at best, even with her once-close red-headed cousin Talitha. And so, to clear her muddled mind she went away to the royal land of breathtaking beauty, salty cliffs and hidden treasures.

Although she did not seek any particular friend as she arrived near Cours des Miracles, the tan girl would always hope to see the Lady Alaine, whom she had grown so fond of. As the cliffsides and crashing waves peeked in and out of sight, Sage remembered with a smile how Nana and Lennon had become fast friends in this very same beautiful landscape. She just couldn't keep away from this place!

As she closed in on one of her favorite hangouts, though, the seabreeze brought in a strange scent. Sun-colored eyes narrowed as she turned her head into the wind. Instantly the salt stung her eyes and she looked away, rubbing them with a frown. When the gust died down, her line of vision shot around again, and widened on the large, dark shape hurling towards her on four gigantic legs. Lennon snorted and moved his feet restlessly, obviously feeling at ease by the large beast-- usually, the stallion was the bigger one.

Chocolate ears perched above her head with interest as she stared blatantly at the secui wolf as he neared her, his form seeming less Lennon-sized upon closer inspection. Still, the stranger was hulking; especially compared to the hippie girl's petite frame. She was sure he could easily injure her, but she did not sense malice, and so she was not quick to become defensive. Instead, her large golden eyes roamed behind him, curiously eying the Cours land.

"Hello, sir!" she voiced through a cupped hand. "Do you think that I should be running, too?" she called over to him when he was in earshot, hoping that there was no disaster to be running from. Sage couldn't be sure that she would be able to stand another disaster, if it happened. A finger absently fumbled around in a tangled bit of hair behind her ear, from which she managed to retrieve a nearly broken joint. It would still smoke, though, and so she lit it right up without a second thought, blowing the smoke into the salty sea breeze.

The sun was nearing it's highest point in the sky, and slowly Lennon relaxed, the warm rays from the sun bouncing off of the water and onto their wind-whipped skin. It felt just perfect; and this was why she came here. Sitting atop her painted steed she closed her eyes, taking deep, soothing breaths of the mineral air as her body relaxed. Half-lidded eyes sought the company she had nearly forgotten about, and a stoned, happy smile bloomed across her lips.

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