[M] The Journey Home
You would call your horse JagerMeister knowing I don't like the stuff. :p

Shiloh smiled as Saxif caught up. Kyra had fallen asleep and Shiloh had taken great care to put her in her sleeping sac. "When did you get a horse?" Shiloh asked as she looked up at Saxif. Her stallion was huge compared to Shiloh's mare and she felt small next to golden wolf and her dune colored stallion. Shiloh was excited about this trip and honestly loved the fact that Saxif was going with her. As they made their way out of AniWaya, Shiloh's nerves started to get to her and she ushered Katelyn closer to Saxif. She reached for the woman's hand before pulling away at the last moment. She wanted Saxif to keep her calm but she knew she would have to work on it on her own.

She pulled away and had Katelyn moved some distance away while she calmed herself from a panic attack. Katelyn could feel her getting worked up and after a few moments stopped knowing Shiloh would fall of if she was going to move. Shiloh was hyperventilating, her panic from knowing her attacker was still out there, could still hurt her. "Kee...keep going Katelyn. I don't wa...want Saxif to...worry," she whispered as the horse started to move and catch up to Saxif. Shiloh took some calming breathes and was able to avoid her full blown panic attack but she still shook slightly. She just hoped that Saxif didn't notice and make her stop. She wasn't ready to stop... they still had a long way to go

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