I'm not that girl
Her words were vague in his mind, though somewhere he understood. The imagines that ran through his dreams were far more powerful though, drowning out the words of his mate as she tried to wake him. It was the shaking that did it though, that seemed to pull him from his dream world and back to reality. The transition was a quick one, the eyes of the young leader snapping open, mouth agape as he lay there. The imagines were fresh in his mind and, for a moment, it almost looked as he was frozen in terror. The warmth of tears broke the moment though, streaming quickly from his eyes to dampen his red fur.

For a short length of time all was quiet but a soft whine broke that silence, finding it hard to breath with the cries and the whines and the gasps for air that all wished to come at once. "Nani.." He finally managed, the name hoarse and spoken through a sudden sob. His vision still hadn't adjusted completely and the hot tears that streamed from his eyes only made it worse. He knew she was there though, he heard her, he could smell her, but he couldn't see her. His arm went up, hand slowly searching, almost desperate to touch her and know that she was there.


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