The hardest thing & the right thing are the same
Jasper is a fragile little gay boy. D; Hopefully he won't frighten Haku away with his emoness. ;P

He would have given the world to have the arms of his mother around him, wiping away the tears and making the world a wonderful place. It was because of him that she wasn't, though. That night that he had set their bed on fire, had caused such a rage with his father. She was just gone. The thought only caused the rush of tears streaming down his face to grow, burning at his eyes despite the cool rain that washed the feeling away. A mother to hold him, friend to reassure him, or a lover to promise him the world. Laurent could have been two of those things, Jasper was desperate enough to freely admit that in his mind now, but even Laurent had disappeared without a trace.

His train of thought was quickly broken by the slight thump on the rock, followed by a sudden wave of hands that he just barely caught out of the corners of his eyes. Turning his head abruptly, Jasper settled blurry eyes on the other male, almost jumping at the fact that there was someone there at all. It was then that he realized the tears still coming from his eyes, reaching up quickly to brush them away, rubbing violently as to try and leave no trace of them. "S-sorry." He said quietly, just barely over the wind and crashing waves. "I didn't expect anyone else to come here when it's like this." His tone was quiet, pathetic almost, and Jasper was almost to depressed and lonely to care.


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