The hardest thing & the right thing are the same

The reaction as the boy finally figured out there was someone there almost made the chocolate coated male give an unwilling laugh, but he managed to stop the wave of joyful mouthfuls of breath in time. The lonely scene he had stumbled into was in fact not very hilarious, but the look of the boy violently attempting to brush away the salty tears that Haku unfortunately already had spotted was surprising. Well, it was the ideal place and weather for a little mental pour down. Though he had managed to hide the bark, the slight confusion on the Sadira’s face was not hidden before it had stayed for a few seconds. Big boys did not cry, but this one surely did. He was not hurt physically, so Haku was at loss what might be causing the other male such misery that made him cry so openly, no matter if he was alone or not.

When it came to emotions, Haku had started the process of shutting the factory down quite a while ago, as he had not been able to find happiness. He believed he could have inherited a bit of the annoying depression his mother had carried on most of her life, and he refused to go down the emotional path. He was a man, and he held no weaknesses. I am sorry I disturbed you then, it was not my intention.. Actually, it had not been. He had not seen the invisible burdens on the other male’s shoulders before the blonde, dark-haired canine had turned to him and revealed the misery that was stuck to his face. Are you hurt? Obviously if he was crying like that.

Haku did not fully understand how intensely mental wounds could ache. He had experienced it briefly once upon a time, but it was all forgotten and the movie had been thrown away by the beast while doing the spring cleaning.


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