M - The Guillotine

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 714 words

He couldn't help himself. He was a physical being. Still, he wouldn't push himself on someone that didn't want it. He wasn't so pathetic that he had to take someone against their will. Oh no, he could find someone that was wiling and eager for his attention. In his mind it was only the desperate, that could not get laid otherwise, that ended up having to rape someone. Those sorts simply weren't desirable enough that someone would willingly give themselves over. So rape was off his list, though the lupus form was certainly a temptation that had him rethinking his values. At those times he couldn't help but to push the subject a bit more and turn up the charm to convince a lupus bound being to give themselves over to him.

He smiled and nodded his head at her offer. "That would be nice. I would like that. It is hard to get along the back after all." His reach only went so far after all. That was when he had to find some shallow indention to soak portions of himself in so that he could get dyed from the front to the back. He did what he could to break up the monotony of the white and so he didn't want to leave his backside out of it just because he had trouble reaching it.

Oh yes, he wasn't born here at all. He was born across the bay and lived there for a great bit of time. It was from those teachings that his aunt had formed Anathema though she clearly hadn't stuck strictly to it. Instead she had taken her own variations and applied it. That was certainly something that he hadn't known when he had first gotten here. She didn't apply the same strict structure of learning that Ouija had been used to with growing up with. And her second seemed to know nothing at all about the culture. It made him wish that the cult had never gone to ruins. He had yet to find a place that felt like home to him. Still he had made quite an interesting few, and he was adding this duo to those few. Those that he would never have met otherwise. So it wasn't all bad over in this area at least.

When the male spoke up the words were so delicious that it sent a shiver down Ouija's spine. "It has been so long since I have heard that offer." The words were emitted in a husky, lust filled tone. Oh sure, he had females lined up tat he had been with but it had been far too long since a male had wanted to get at his ass. He leaned in close, leaning over Panda to get to Venom to try and lick the male's lips. "I certainly can't wait." He made to whisper out the words against the other male's lips. It was most certainly an offer that he couldn't refuse. The thought of it excited him to the point that his tail had started wagging.

He allowed his hand to be grabbed and followed after the dual colored female. He was surprised to find her den so close to the one that he had been staying in. With Addison no longer there to share the large space with he had ended up spreading out his work area rather than switching to a smaller den. After all when he wasn't out and collecting then he was usually working on something in his den. It is what he had considered doing this time before he had intercepted the duo and his plans had drastically changed.

Once he got to the room and his hand was released he moved to sit in the floor and watch the female. He leaned his back against the wall and relaxed himself. "I have. I prefer shrooms myself." He wasn't really into the mellowing and lazy effect that the herb had on him. He would rather have something that energized him and allowed him to keep on working rather than something that forced him to slack off. He simply wasn't the sort to enjoy down time all that often. He felt that there was always something that he could be doing or working on.

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