The hardest thing & the right thing are the same
We could go for real awkwardness and Jasper can have a total breakdown and throw himself on Haku to cry on him? XD

"It's my fault." It always is. The younger male practically whined as he spoke, growing tired of rubbing his eyes and simply giving up on trying to wash away the tears. His hands, tired and unwilling to try anymore, dropped light dead weight to his lap and laid there in a haphazard manner. He hung his head, tufts of dark hair falling down across his forehead and straight in front of his eyes. For a brief moment the world was gone, soft colored lids falling closed over two different colored eyes, forcing out tears that seemed to be almost stuck before opening to the world again. Before, when everything in his world was all wrong, at least there had been a little ray of hope that things would fall in to place. Now there was nothing.

"It's all gone." He sobbed the words, bringing his hands to his face once more, this time to bury his head in his palms. Elbows rested carefully against his knees, planted there firmly so that he could lean his weight forward. Everything was gone, everyone, and all because Jasper was a failure. There had been a fleeting moment of happiness, thinking that Anka, though only his half sibling, might actually like him and be nice to him. That had been shattered with her teasing though, and now the fact that she had disappeared again. Laurent, who Jasper could have rather easily have loved, was suddenly gone as well. "Everyone left me.." It was a desperate, sad statement, made worse by the fact that he might actually have to come to accept it all.


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