The hardest thing & the right thing are the same
If they had not been too well attached to his head, Haku’s eyes would have popped out for sure. The timed slowed down into slow motion as the male detached from the rock and leaped onwards to a more suitable nest. Haku’s mouth opened in what was supposed to be the beginning of a warning sneer, but the boy moved too swiftly despite with slow motion tool active, and his breath was forced out of his lungs in a pitiful yelp. Haku stumbled backwards and got the rock he himself had leaned against moments earlier into his back. Black dots danced across his eyes, and he pondered if the best thing would allow everything to fade into black. He shook his head and instinctively wrapped his hands around the other male. His lips lifted and revealed teeth, but the emotional wuss had buried his face into his fur. What the fuck

As soon as he realized he was supporting the younger male, he removed his hands and tried to push him away, one hand sneaking in-between their bodies and one fishing for the cold nose in all the fur to push away. Adrenaline danced around in violent waves. No one had ever come up to him like this, and no one ever was allowed to touch him without his improvement. Haku was not an affectionate man, and had only experienced a loving embrace from one person only, and that was the man that had taken his virginity, the rapist that had captured his heart for a brief moment, but that Haku never had seen again. It was disturbing, and the cream male could not help but shiver slightly in discomfort.

A dash of panic emerged and his jaws snapped together loudly, his talons directed against the poor being’s skin, and his hands leaped to their respective sides of the other male’s chest and pierced the skin at the same time as he forced the male off him with a burst of pure muscles.


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