The hardest thing & the right thing are the same
He had nearly leapt after the form as he had been thrown on the floor, but the moment the body was away from his skin, the male calmed down several levels. His tender nose tasted blood particles, and the outburst from the male stung him in a way he could not grasp. The pathetic form curled up on the ground and continued crying rivers. The darker male sighed deeply, and rested his body to the cold stone and raised his face to the sky for cold liquid to cool down the temper that always seemed to settle with its heat on his face whenever adrenaline and tension rose. Blue eyes searched out the sorry canine seconds after, and he tilted her head, regretting his outburst.

He took a few sideways steps towards the route that had led him here in the first place, but then moved soundlessly to the defeated creature sobbing in the black sand. The older male crunched down and let a hand carefully settle on the boy’s shoulder. There, there.. Do not cry, boy.. What the hell was he supposed to say, the emotional creature could not talk, only produce snot and tears, and he was really at a loss of actions. He let his other hand settle as a pillar to the ground supporting his own weight. shhhh.. He cooed softly, the warm honey was back in his delicate voice, and it was as if his little outburst never had happened.


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