My Silent Undoing

Nope, nevermind. I forgot to edit the OOC from my last thread… The person had a weird animal on their table that I couldn’t tell what it was… So I asked =]

Axelle sat back and watched her hungry friend eat. She didn’t begrudge her. Everyone had tough times in life. Voron saw her when she was going through one of hers. When she was pregnant with a rapist’s children, but that was taken care of quite easily. Their little screams echoed in her mind, but she shook the memories away. She would never be able to get rid of that memory, unless she were to forget everything and start over… She thought about it for a moment, but then ruled it out. The memories didn’t bother her that much.

Axelle smiled down at her friend, and caught a weird scent of wet dog. She looked at Voron, and she didn’t appear to be wet. Axelle assayed the ground around her, and none of which seemed to be wet either. She stopped looking and turned back to Voron, ”No problem, and yes I do visit here often now that Dahlia de Mai is no longer here.” The smell of wet earth and dog still lingered in the air, strangely not moving with the wind. It was almost like someone wet was here, but there wasn’t anyone around. ”At least I don’t have to sneak around anymore,” she admitted. She didn’t like to have to sneak around in places she wasn’t supposed to be in.

Axelle saw Voron flinch uncomfortably. Maybe her friend was hurt, ”What’s wrong?” She looked over her with concern clearly written on her face, but her friend didn’t seem injured at all. Just hungry. The smell was still in the air, and it was driving her insane. ”Do you smell that?” She couldn’t keep it quiet any longer. The smell of wet earth was almost like what it smelled like after it rained hard, but it was a moldy smell as well. Almost like the water had been sitting there for a while now. It could've been one of the trees they were nearby, some of which hold water longer than others. Or maybe the smell was the rotting, soggy bodies in the cemetery. That would be a stretch, since she never smelled that before until now.

Word Count → 358

Points → 3

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