gravity rides everything [p]
WOW nice post okay soooo….. don’t feel like you have to write so much for every post, because I can’t match your length by any means :p Sorry for the wait, I disappear for 4 days and things just blow up in my face ahhhh. So much work to get Magz’s corank. :x

It was the first time in ages Magnolia felt tested. The water’s frigid temperature sent shivers up her spine and her pearly feet felt like a thousand sharp knives were stabbing her. The Associate whined, and froze her entire body momentarily, wondering if she could continue on. Jade eyes narrowed, intent on going as far as she could before her body gave out. The cold was beginning to numb her petite feet as a voice rang out, ruining Magnolia’s focus. The distraction nearly sent the girl toppling into the water, but she managed to catch herself. The girl cried out in horror, and quickly whipped around to gaze at the stranger that nearly caused her to freeze. Her eyes narrowed further at the male on the riverbank, who seemed to be busy with washing fabric.

She wasn’t going any father today, Maggie mused. The young woman sighed, nimbly stepping on the rocks that led her to the shore by the mysterious male. Magnolia was a little irritated to say the least, but kept her emotion (kind of) in check. “I wouldn’t have risked falling in if you hadn’t broke my concentration,” Magnolia wasn’t meaning to be rude to a wolf clearly ranked higher than her, she was just bluntly telling the truth. “Are you one of my fellow Salsolians?” the girl asked, giving her signature flirtatious smile. Even if she was out of line, she prayed her good looks would help her escape punishment.

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