there's a shark in the water [p]

Maybe you can help with my muse problem X_X Sorry for the delay. Also lulz to n00b stoner ezra XD.

Table by Anna! <3

This female coyote wasn’t afraid of the hulking Duke, and that impressed him. Ezra was a sight to see in his secui form, and though he would never admit it he was glad he was a much more menacing, large creature now that he could shift. The male watched her closely as she crept closer, horse in tow. She was kind, and definitely not a threat, and that was a relief to him. She looked about has harmful as a mouse.

The girl pulled something out of her bag, something he had never seen before. The Duke stared at it curiously, confused as to what this thing was. She seemed sleepy and almost in a dream. The smell of the smoke was vaguely familiar; Ezra had definitely come across this substance when he was traveling around before he joined the Kingdom. “What’s that?” Ezra asked quietly. He felt silly that he had no idea what this was. Ezra followed suit, though, and took the joint from her nimble hands. It was awkward to hold such a small object with such a large paw but the male managed to make it work. He took a small hit before a coughing fit took hold of his lungs. “I.. uh…what?” Ezra could barely talk through his coughs. Hopefully this mysterious coyote could explain how to do this right.

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Table by Anna! <3

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