Wash away the Years

______________THAT I'VE DROPPED

_____ Frowning and shooting Jasper a dirty glare over his shoulder, Ahren muttered in German under his breath, heading off into the forest. He followed vague trails for fifteen minutes until settling on a well used one. Eventually, he came across a fresh scent. All that happened next was a matter of waiting—he settled near a patch of bramble, keeping still. Another fifteen minutes passed in silence before there was movement. A young buck was cavorting down the way, pausing now and again to inspect the scents in the area. Ahren shifted his weight, and rose the crossbow. This part took skill, especially when his depth perception was so thrown off. Of course, having enough time to learn to adapt, Ahren had become an expert.
_____ A pound of pressure and the arrow was flying. It struck the deer in the chest, making him bellow and wheel wildly, and then fall in a heap. The blonde rose and slung the bow onto his back. He grabbed the buck and hurled him up, adjusting to get the animal on his shoulders. Being young, the deer was light. It would be enough for the two of them to have a full meal, at least for this night. Ahren hadn’t eaten much in the past few days, though it barely showed. Making his way back to the campsite, he dropped the buck near the water and pulled out his knife, beginning the dirty work.

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget


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