The Hunter's Hut
WC: 900 muhahahahahaha! ^_^

Saxif stopped abruptly at the sight of the knife wielding Shiloh. The sight was almost comical but also slightly disturbing, the look on Shiloh’s face said it all. She was not happy with how Saxif had reacted she would not stand for it. As she brokenly yelled at the huntress Saxif felt guilty, she had just caused her friend more pain. The yellowish wolf though commended the smaller female internally; she showed so much strength in that one moment. Had Saxif caused this sudden burst of confidence? Then she pulled her into an embrace that threw the girl into a state of confusion. Shiloh was mad at her but now she hugged her? Her scent filled her momentarily distracting the huntress from the moment causing her arms to wrap around Shiloh. What was it about her that made her do these things?

It was thoroughly frustrating being around Shiloh cause she couldn’t stay mad as she wanted to. Then her voice whispered into her ears telling her just what she had not wanted to do. The burn in her chest grew hotter the second time she asked her to let go. So that is what she did, she gripped Shiloh firmly and began to cry harder. Those gasping loud cries she had cried for Shiloh the night she found out her misfortune. The burn enveloped her chest and abdomen causing her to cry greater. Eventually her muscles grew weaker pulling Shiloh down with her as her knees grew slowly limp. She sat holding the scarred girl in her lap crying into her shoulder afraid to look at her. She could feel her comforting her, hear her soft whispers but she was not listening she would just cry.

Sometimes she would cry from anger other times from sadness and guilt. When her thoughts shifted to anger sometimes her grip would tighten around Shiloh’s chest and waist her claws would be felt but she always pulled them back before she punctured skin. When she cried from sadness her body would go limp and Shiloh would have to support her weight. Every bit of stress she had felt built inside, she cried it out that day. Shiloh saw what she had feared she would, that she was not a just a fearless hunter bent on training, food and exercise. Saxif was a female as well, just as emotionally sensitive and just as capable of pain. The huntress wept for what seemed to her hours but was probably just below one. She had hoped her friend wouldn’t think less of her or think of her as weaker.

The pale wolf eventually pulled her face back carefully her slowed cries now turning into unstoppable gasps. Her breaths labored and shook as she inhaled more calmly now. Shiloh, I was so scared. So scared for you. She raised her golden hued eyes and looked into the soft green eyes of her best-friend. Her heart filled with complete and utter warmth that unsettled her but she let it in. In that moment she looked at her as though not looking at a friend. The late daylight hit her grey fur in such a way to light it up. Saxif suddenly pressed her nose against hers, her hands gripping her hips in an intimate way. She held her nose there for a moment, her eyes firmly shut for she was scared to see Shiloh’s reaction. Her thoughts grew wild with a strange desire that confused the huntress yet again.

She pulled her nose back and looked down slightly ashamed of the act, scared she had crossed a line. If I had lost you Shiloh, I don’t think I could have moved on. I know its silly to say such a thing as we had really only known each other only one day. But you have become something to me that day, more than just a friend. More than just a friend… The last words flowed in a soft confused whisper. What is more than a friend, more than a best-friend. A soul-mate? This female definitely had to be her soul-mate.

Shiloh I think you’re my soul-mate, my friend for life. She pulled the small grey wolf into a soft embrace again. She enjoyed hugging her so much she didn’t want to let her go, her hand rubbed her back stopping at her scars just a little longer than other points. She pulled her body closer to her own happily taking in her warmth even on the hot evening. She breathed in her scent heavily memorizing its very core so she would never lose her. From a distance they would have seemed as two lovers holding one another, caressing one another. Though that day they were friends who had just shared a moment of complete and utter release.

Saxif would not cry like that for a long time if at all. She would be stronger and greatly happy. But the anger she expressed would not leave her; it would still brew in her like a plague. Ever haunting her, changing her more and more. But in that moment it was forgotten and all that remained was her love for her friend as she held her in her lap continuing to be comforted by the scarred girl. Little did she know just how much she loved her, how deeply and passionately her love would go in the time to come.

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