Nobody Said That It's Over
The two calm males faced each other, for all the world like two large mountains, side by side for eternity. There was a kindred spirit facing him, a dog that would fit so seamlessly into Ichika that there was really no need for Saul to continue the questions. It was only curiosity for the males story that held him in his place. There was a quality to the male that Saul knew was similar to that of Razekiel, although the red faced leader expressed his love of the earth in an entirely different way. He could sense something similar to what Alae represented in the males mind, connected to the dark male in front of him. He and Alae were both made of the same spirit and Saul reasoned that the two would get on well, if Ansui ever made his way out to the Gampo Abbey. Cinnamon backed ears perked forward as he recounted his story, a relatively calm one at the beginning. Born to parents who were settled in the south, while the wandering spirit within Ansui sought something more from the world, and from himself.

Of course, Saul was not surprised that there was some bloodshed in the males story. None was spilled by him and the male refuted the question of crimes. Saul was satisfied that he had been right about the male, he had trusted his instincts and he had been right. Still, he knew that he had to ask these questions it was protocol and tradition to made sure that whomever came seeking shelter at their borders was suited for their lifestyle. Saluce hadnt suited it, and he was gone. There had been too much warrior in him for the grey male to see beyound what he first thought- a hippie pack. He couldnt see that they were more than this. Saul dipped his head respectfully towards the male. "It takes great strength to be struck and remain peaceful. I think you will fit in well within Ichika." Saul praised, although he was aware of his youth and the males apparently seniority.

"What can you offer Ichika? What skills do you possess that will aide us? What job would you see yourself performing in Ichika?"

He asked, curiosity lighting his eyes up. The dark stranger seemed to have fascinated the Ichikan and he wanted to know more about him. He seemed so suited to their life that Saul wondered if Razekiel and Nayru had met him on their travels and had decided to sculpt their pack around him. Tail swinging back and forth behind him, he waited for the males answer, the grass blade still twirled between his fingers.

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