So hold on to the ones who really care

Word Count » 000

Ayita had been lost in her world of drama and humans. Nothing could bother her from her book. She had spent what seemed like forever sitting there flipping through pages. She smiled as she read each word like she was a child again it was the things like this that made her feel young again.

Ayita was acting out the scenes in her head as she over hear the voice of a women. the voice was not that of her, snapping out of her mental daze she looked up. "Je... er I mean William Shakespear's Othello" She said.

She had been dazed being pulled from her world she felt torn. "My appologies for ignoring you, I was just so wrapped up in this play.” she stated with a grin. ”You see ever since I was a kid this was one of my favorites it always reminds me of being young.” She stated. Though she never felt very old she didn’t feel young anymore. With five children, a few adopted ones and one grandson. She was certainly feeling more her age.

excuse me how rude My name is Ayita Catori, its very nice to meet you.” she said bowing slightly after she finished standing. Darn proper up bringing made her to polite.

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