A wing and a [p]rayer

Word count: 846

This familiar fae's tone was cold as she spoke, Soran expected as much, there seemed to have been some trouble here she was guessing, from the way Haven had reacted she expected it had something to do with Naniko, she could not blame anyone for being cautious around the borders. The dark fae had indeed wandered very close to the lands, it had been an absent minded thing, but she had always found that standing close to the borders made it easier for others that she had called for to find her. But of course she had forgotten to call for anyone, she could not help it, it was the exhiliration of seeing so many familiar sights around her, so many familiar scents and landmarks, this place had once been the ebony lady's home, and it was not until she had come so close to it that she had realised quite how much she had missed it. She had so many happy memories here, her young grandchildren playing around the place, her children being here, back when there had been somewhat of a peaceful existence between her and her family, back before she had abandonded them for a second time, it was such a shame that she had done so, she regretted it desperately. Though the female could not deny that some good had come of her leaving, she could name them all in one breath, Florence, Flavian, Kiwi and Rain, her four youngest children, born so far from here, it seemed miles away now, she missed them, all she could do was hope that they too would gain the wanderlust that she had found, the itchy feet and then they would follow the map she had drawn for them, they would come and find her. She could not argue with them when they had decided that they wanted to stay, they had been born in that pack afterall, it was there home, they had no connections to this place, they had no reason to come here. Their goodbye had been hopeful and although tearful, she was sure that they would come here soon, she juat had a feeling.
"Once again, I'm sorry, I got lost in my thoughts and completely forgot for a moment why I was here. It was the familiarity you see, I'd forgotten how much I had missed it here." The lady apologised again earnestly, she didn't want any tension between herself and this reddish brown female, especially when she was so certain that she knew this younger female.

She raised her head and looked her over again, there was something she knew there, something so familiar, little movements she made, the way she spoke, there was something in her that the dark female knew so well. And once the other fae gave her name Soran's heart leapt, she knew that she had known her! She was overjoyed to see her again, her little granddaughter, now so grown up. Her first instinct was to hug her tightly against her, but she decided against that, she had already upset Noah that way, realising who he was and lunging at him in a great big hug which had done nothing but make him feel awkward and uncomfortable. But here she was, her blood, all grown up, defending her pack's borders, it was wonderful to see. Though there was no sign of recognition in Mati's eyes, only to her surname, she looked confused Soran thought, perhaps the dark lady had indeed been gone far too long, her memory washed away from these lands as so many that came before her had been. It was a shame, the ebony lady once again regretted leaving, she hated her grandchildren not knowing her, not understanding who she was. A large smile came over her face though at the mention of her granddaughter's name though, her entire face lighting up with an unspeakable joy, she looked her over with her jade eyes, trying to memorise every detail of her, it was so good to see her again.
"Mati.." She breathed, almost saying her name as it if were a prayer, only just louder than a whisper. "I knew I knew you, I knew I had seen you before. It is so good to see you little one." Soran said, using her standard pet name for all of her grandchildren, although it did not really apply anymore, Mati was far from small anymore. "I'm sorry, this must be very confusing for you, the last time that you saw me you could have been no larger than this." The ebony lady said with a smile, holding her hands out, indicating how big Mati would have been the last time they had seen one another. Though it was true that Mati and Soran had not spent much time together, just seeing one another around the lands and in passing, the ebony lady had somehow managed to spend more time with her grandsons than either of her granddaughters.
"Let me explain, I'm your grandmother Mati." The lady said, smiling at her granddaughter nervously.

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