our endless numbered days [p]

sorry for the wait and I took the liberty of a fair amount of pp, let me know if you'd like it changed at all :3

Anann's stance was casual. It was neutral, lacking any sort of fighting stance. Neither defensive nor offensive as she waited for Ezra to make the first move. Her weight resting heavily on one leg more than other rather than keeping her weight spread and her balance even. A bit reckless perhaps, but this male was a bit of a novice in comparison to well trained and practiced warrior woman. There was a nervousness about him. She attributed it to his lack of experience, if not slight intimidation of her sheer size.

Ezra charged forward aiming for her torso, which all in all was a decent enough tactic as his arms seemed to search out hers. His actions were brash and easily read by female as she side stepped. A golden hued arm grabbed an arm of the male letting his momentum carry him past her as she fluidly twisted the arm uncomfortably yet not painfully behind his back. A foot of similar hue moved out to trip the boy and with a slight shove to his back Anann left Ezra to eat dirt. She was not unnecessarily rough with the male, but fighting was not something learned painlessly.

She gave him a moment to get back to his feet before she stepped forward for a moment of instruction. "Keep your arms close to your body", she demonstrated her words tucking her elbows close to her side and fore arms sticking out straight before her, "till the moment you strike." She took a quick jab at the male her hand stopping well short of its mark. "Then it is harder for your opponent use them against you."

"Again." She commanded simply as she took a step back.

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