Our Song
Jasper had, by all rights, thought that Laurent had just up and disappeared. He hadn't seen the older male since that day at the college, his sister as well, and somehow felt that perhaps he might have been the reason that they both had disappeared. The little 'meeting' had confused Jasper and made him feel bad, he would have loved for them to get along, but after what Anka said he knew that it wasn't likely. The prospect that Laurent might actually still be around hadn't hit Jasper until after the night that he'd spent some time with his father, when they had finally discovered that Jasper could no longer smell.

Maybe he just wasn't looking hard enough? It was true that he hadn't put as much effort in to it as he should have. The prospect of Laurent having disappeared had made him wither inside, unwilling to do much more than sit around and mope for the longest time. Now would be different though, he had decided, which was why the timid male was on the search for his friend. The only place he could think to look was the last place that they had seen each other, the college, and if he wasn't there then he would just extend off from that area. It would be 'base' in a way, he supposed.

The young male moved off along the grounds of the college, having left his wagon behind where he and his father usually stayed. Maybe he would find him, maybe not. If he did, though, perhaps he could convince the older male to come and stay with his and his father. Jasper just so happened to be walking the opposite way of Laurent, searching the wrong side of the grounds. He had no clue that the other male was just behind him, going the opposite way, and his nose couldn't tell him that. "Laurent?" He called out. It was worth a shot.


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