[M] The Journey Home

Word Count :: 310 :: Out of Character text

Saxif had been unsure of what she should do; it seemed the moment needed to be Shiloh’s alone. So she let Shiloh walk ahead keeping her distance. The silence had been bothering her greatly and this seemed to add to the stress. She didn’t want Shiloh to suffer alone out their in the memories of her loss, but Shiloh had not given her any indication of wanting that. Finally as she paced by Jager she couldn’t take it anymore and quietly followed Shiloh’s trail. When the view of Shiloh on her knees crying came into her sights, her heart leapt into a fear. She didn’t like seeing her mate so saddened, and then she stopped realizing she was speaking. Saxif’s brow had furrowed slightly confused as Shiloh seemed to be talking to herself. The huntress carefully started to back away but had broken a branch. Her face winced in disappointment of her interruption.

What happened next had the fur on Saxif’s back rise; there was a mist that swirled before her. She had not seen anything like it before and the strange thing about it was that it seemed to resemble a small girl. Before she could reach out and touch the mist it left. A thought ran through her head that seemed to cause her next actions. She went to Shiloh’s side wrapping her arms tightly around her as she howled. Saxif joined in the song with her mate and could feel Shiloh’s body tremble within her grasp. She loved her so deeply that she cried from seeing her love in pain. She gently stroked her hair and repeatedly whispered. Everything is going to be ok.

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