So hold on to the ones who really care

WC: 746

The ebony fae smiled as she looked at the female, oh to be engrossed in a book again, to ignore any troubles that came with real life and to stick one's nose into a book, transport yourself away from the normal, everyday life to a world of make believe. She herself adored reading, enjoyed dropping into fantasy, reading about princes, paupers, lovers, fighters and all inbetween. There was something special about books, imagination was a wonderful and powerful thing, anything that encouraged that was brilliant in the ebony lady's mind, she encouraged curiosity and learning, anything that kept the mind sharp and young. It was a good thing for the sable female to see someone reading, she had taught Zalen to write not long ago and that had reminded her that there was good in the world, something in watching this brown female so deeply involved in her reading reinforced those ideas within the dark lady's mind. Perhaps this was a good omen, perhaps it was a sign that everything was getting better around the dark female, perhaps some of the good would spread to herself, perhaps her own life would start to get better, perhaps Haven would come around, Mati as well, perhaps her family would start coming back together, maybe Rain or Kiwi would come down from Dayna's pack, come and see their mother, or even the twins, either set of them, Florence and Flavian, or her elder litter, Khaden and Dhalia, she missed them all so much, she hoped soon they would decide that if this place was good enough to be her home that they would agree that it might be good enough for them, at least give it a chance and come and try it out at least.

The tall female smiled as the lady explained what she was reading, she felt a little awkward, thinkignt hat she had made the lady jump, it was horrid to be suddenly surprised, she was very aware of the sleepy feeling that one gained when pulled from a book too quickly.
"Apologies if I startled you, it was not my intention." The lady began, listening as the lady named the play she was reading, explaining why she liked it so much. The female liked William Shakespeare as well, she had never read Othello though, she was much more fond of what the humans would have called his more famous plays, they had been easier to come by after all, she had never found a copy of Othello and had therefore never had the chance to read it, she was sure that she would enjoy it given the chance, after all she enjoyed his other writings, she enjoyed his style, the bouncy way the words were intended to be read, she had always wondered what it would be like to have seen them read aloud, performed. Soran had read of plays being performed, knowing the principle behind them, being able to read stage directions, she would love to organise a play, perhaps she might be able to find some wolves that might be willing. Though she doubted that they would all enjoy Shakespeare as much as she did, and as much as this brown female appeared to do.

The lady stood and bowed, offering a polite greeting, so her name was Ayita, it was a very pleasant, she seemed rather pleasant herself, then again Soran would have probably taken a shine to her even nif she had not greeted her so nicely, after all she enjoyed Shakespeare. It was a trait that the ebony lady valued, an enjoyment of reading, it also made the fae happy as it brought some common ground to the pair of them, it was a conversation topic and a good as place as any to start. The dark lady wanted to know more about her great grandchildren and grandchild's packmates, if they were all like this Ayita then she couldn't imagine there being a problem.
"It is very nice to meet you as well Ayita, my name is Soran, Soran Aatte." The ebony fae said with a smile, offering a dark, long fingered hand for the other fae to shake.
"I'm so pleased to see someone else enjoying Shakespeare, I have not read Othello myself, but I really enjoy some of his other plays, Twelfth Night, Midsummer Night's Dream. What is Othello about?" The lady asked, still smiling at the female, glad to meet someone with similar interests to herself.

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