Where you go when you're gone

He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be here...or even where "here" was. He had been away from home before, but only with Naniko or one of the other adults of the pack. It was really different to be out by himself, without anyone there to protect him if something happened. But how much did he need protection? He was strong!! He could protect himself!

Sirius walked with his chest puffed out, strolling along beneath the leaves. Maybe he would just claim these lands as his own, and live without anybody. He was staying with his father right now, but he didn't need to. All he needed to do was learn how to hunt and he'd be all set!

The young male gasped when he heard a voice, a wolf stepping out before him. She was huge, standing on two legs, and he had to look so far up that his head was tilted all the way back. Ever since he had started learning Itallian and French from the matron of his old pack he hadn't stopped. Each new wolf that he met he tried them on. He was a little bit better at French than Itallian, though, because the white wolf had known more of that. "Je cherche ici des aventures"


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