Our Song
He had been frightened of what Laurent might think. First to find out that he liked guys, which was only something that Jasper had recently come to accept, but then to find out that Jasper was in love with him. He'd taken a chance, perhaps what some people might have seen as a stupid chance, of losing his friend forever. Jasper expected his friend to be disgusted, sickened by him, but when he had hinted at the fact and pretty much told him that he was gay because he'd slept with a male, he hadn't gotten that reaction. Now though, that Jasper was admitting that he loved him, things could possibly change for the worst, which was why he was pressed against his friend so hard, treasuring the moment if it was to be the very last he had with him.

His friend's words pushed away the deep fear that he had though, causing his ears to list and his eyes to open in such amazement that he thought the world would fall down around him. It was an odd sort of feeling that filled him as Laurent continued to speak, unsure if he should embrace the man or jump for joy. In the end, after the words faded away, he had decided on both. Tears streamed freely, happy tears, and Jasper lept up, wrapping his arms around Laurent's neck. Luckily for Jasper, Laurent's arms were already around him, so when his feet left the ground to wrap around his friend, he was already supported. He buried his head in the crook of the older male's neck then, whispering quietly. "I was afraid you'd hate me.."


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