we fought our battles on grounds unknown.
Voices reached her. She'd found her own den, free of memories of Lucifer, of nights spent curled up with the pups and her mate. "There is a female from these lands who took advantage of a...friend of mine.....There is justice due for what she did to him." Her lips quirked in a sardonic smile. She was the only one she knew of. naniko wouldn't do it.

She moved out of her den, taking the time to shift to her optime form. Even her walk had changed. She was becoming a new woman. And she wasn't gonna stop it. Her newly added piercings sparkled in the sunlight as she sauntered to where Lucifer was speaking to another male, her gaze indolent.

"that would be me," she drawled insolently. "And it wasn't rape, for the record. He never once told me no." that's it, Deuce, fan the flames. She carried herself arrogantly, even in the presence of her superior. What more could they do to her? They already had forbidden her pups from seeing her. It couldn't get worse.

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