we fought our battles on grounds unknown.
Lucifer spoke, and all Deuce did was stare at him coldly. And then another spiteful thing popped into mind, and she spoke without thinking it through. Her words came out brittle, razor edged. "Funny how someone who's a rapist himself can be so harsh against his own crimes. oh...wait...if I claim I don't remember doing it, it doesn't count, right?" her tone turned sickeningly sweet. "Afterall, I have to play by your rules, don't I?"

She turned her bi-colored gaze to the stranger. "What sort of MONSTER are you? Have you no guilt?" She smirked. "No more guilt than this one here, who got the boy drunk and took advantage of him. Who, by the way, raped my daughter. Drugged her up, got her drunk, and raped her. Same boy who can't be faithful to his mate." She paused, then added dryly, "Ex-mate now, sorry." She smirked again.

"I ain't afriad of anyone. let them come. I can take care of myself just fine."

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