Our Song
Jasper, though timid and shy, would soon learn to explore things with Laurent on his own. Though, at the moment, he was completely alright with Laurent exploring. >__>;;; What started as a gasp, at the tender touch against his growing member, soon turned in to a quiet groan. The velvety touch of his tongue overpowered that sensation though, bringing forth another groan, and his grip on Laurent's should tightened just a touch. All the while Jasper flexed his toes, a reflex to the pleasure that had been sent shooting through him, but as the tongue moved away a quiet whine formed in his throat. His eyes opened then, head lifting just slightly off of the bed to look down at Laurent who, and even he would admit, looked extravagant in such a position. "That was.." He started, surprised and almost breathless already. "Nice...."


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