These have not the hope to die.

When I first joined 'Souls my character was a normal wolf, too x3 It's fun to see how long they last as normal wolves >______> xD And I love your table.

She had been born into the idea that she would someday have a two legged form, but she knew that some had not...that it could come as a surprise. Naniko wasn't sure how long it had been since she'd met one of those, though; the virius had spread throughout the lands, from enemy to enemy, from lover to lover. It was more uncommon to find someone who didn't have it.

Her father Physe had come to the lands as an unshifted wolf, and even he had gotten it eventually, it given to him through her other father, Roman.

The light got better as she stood there, waiting for a response. Really, she was too tired to notice much, the overnight meeting catching up to her now that she was in familiar territory. Conri must have already passed through, Lucifer, too...but they hadn't seen this wolf. Ah, well. She didn't mind standing to talk, even if it was really early. But her arms needed a break, so she put the books down on the ground. "Don't mind arms are killing me." The notion that Cassiel was surprised at her appearance was lost upon Naniko. She just assumed that everyone could shift. There were times when she used her four legged form, during hunting or sometimes travelling, and she knew that others did, too.

Ah, so this one was looking for a place to stay. Lately things had been fairly hectic in the lands lately, with the pups heading out of the den on their own and Lucifer and Deuce's falling out...but things would settle down soon. A new member would bring a little hope to the others, perhaps. The next hunt that they had would be a wonderful one with six adults. Her sister's boy Jazper could come, now that he was an adult, and little Apollo could tag along to watch.

"Pleased to meet you. And yes. I'm Naniko D'angelo, and I help to rule these lands with my mate Conri Church." She did notice the breaks in the girl's voice, but most newcomers were nervous, weren't they? She'd never been a newcomer before, having been born in one of the old territories before the fire, but she'd heard about it. "I really shouldn't leave these books on the ground for very long, though...they might get ruined. Then I wouldn't be able to read them at all. So come along, dear. We can talk and walk at the same time" She bent to pick up the books with a groan, starting down the trail and motioning for Cassiel to follow. "Now, then. What makes you want to join up with Twilight Vale?"


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