Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)
WC: 247

Range makes no form of movement, hut his soul is lit up in surprise of another chakra meeting his. S he begins his ascent out of his zen state of mind his muscles seemed to tense up slightly. His eyes fluttered at first before fully opening, he turns to her his bi-colored eyes looking at her but seeing her soul as the zenn effects still haven't warn off. His mouth opens and a calm, soothing voice begins to flow out.
"Hello, My name is Range."
His vision returns to normal and at his current vantage point he stares into her stomach seeing her scars instantly. He frowns at them, never liking the idea of someone being hurt that bad. He feels compassion as he looks up at her face seeing her nose is scarred too.
This is simply no good.
He gets a sudden look of determination as he holds his hand out inviting her to sit across from him.
"Your scars run deep, and I'm not just talking about the physical ones. Please have a seat."
He turned his head back to the ninety degree angle as his eyes re-closed.
"I hope I don't sound intrusive when I say this but I would love to listen to your tale. I have the time to pay attention."
He would look at her again, his blue eye sparkled beautifully and his green eye gleamed in the sunshine as though glass.

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