Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)
WC: 306

Tawny watched as the young man seemed to come back to himself out of the dream-like state he had been in. She started to move backwards slowly as his eyes blinked open, not wanting to get in trouble for waking him. Her body shook a little bit as he finally turned around and settled his bi-colored eyes on her face, scanning them up and down her body. She hoped to everything holy that he wouldn't be mad at her; enough hurting had happened in the past few days, no more was needed at the moment.

The girl looked up in surprise when the boy introduced himself calmly and then spoke about scars and stories. She frowned and pressed one bandaged hand to her chest, "T-Tawny." Pride flashed across her face as she got the name to flow without hardly any stuttering. Finally, it seemed as if her work at practicing words when no one else was around, and listening to other form her name on their tongues was really paying off. A small smile pulled her lips up and showed off her sharp white teeth, sharing her joy with him.

As she sat down about a foot away, their knees almost touching, she tilted her head again. Still unclear on what he was asking her to do; she watched him with wide blue eyes and fidgeted, sliding the pack off her shoulders and onto the rock at her side. "Uh...huh?" It was obvious that her speech was limited, as well as any understanding of words, but she would try to comprehend what he was saying. She did not take pride in the fact that most thought she was a total idiot because of her lack of words, but tried to not let it affect her in any way. It was a lot harder said than done.

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