I will never see the [Sky] the same way

WC:000+ - Kissu ♥

Sky couldn't hide the amused smile when Tal started to mess up his words a bit, both amused and flattered. When he held out the gift, she looked down at the box and blinked. On one hand, she hated getting gifts these days. She was running out of room on her shelves for any more trinkets like what Shawchert kept sending her (kept purely out of greed, honest.) and somehow she wasn't expecting a little box... with a necklace inside it.

It was beautiful. She felt her ears go lax as she looked at the pretty little jem and chain. Tal sure knew how to charm a girl, that much was clear, at least to Sky. She was just starting to smile again when he started talking and her face cleared into attentive interest, blue eyes back to his bi-colored ones. Her mind took a second to catch up to what he was saying, but she finally clued in after he paused; he was asking her to be his lover, or something corny like that.

Go for it. Tal's far more sane that Shawchert will ever be. He's not asking you to be his mate or anything... think of it like being is girlfriend, instead. His courted. The voices chimed in together, apparently making her decision for her without her consent. Admittedly, she was terrified; another relationship could well end in tears all over again. On the other hand, she really did like Tal... quite a lot. Maybe not love, but he was worth a shot, right?

Her answer? She slipped the necklace back into the box for safe keeping and tucked the box into her pocket, keeping subtle, quiet and neutral as she did. Then she took a step forward... then a quick 'kiss' was given, nose to nose, an affectionate gesture that meant agreement. If that's what you want, than I'll gladly be your courted. She all but purred, that smile returning. It won't be an easy task, though, Tal. Shawchert's been sending me gifts and flowers every day. Her tone of voice suggested annoyance to this fact, again, not liking the gifts she kept getting. At that point, she was more than happy to try and forget about what she'd had with Shawchert. She refused to admit that maybe, just maybe, she still felt for the once estranged male. Tal was more than enough for her, at least she hoped so.

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