Mini Vacation at the Falls! (p)

The girl smiled at his gentle apology and response to her backing away and warnings, respecting her wishes without any further problems. Her body slowly relaxed back into the calm, tension free state that she had been in before, eyes drooping slightly once more. She had a feeling that this male wouldn't hurt her on purpose, but that didn't mean that she was just going to let him touch her when he wanted. Especially because she had just met him...the whole touch thing was going to be a big no for a long while.

A small nod was given when he made the gesture with his hand after stating something, she figured it was his giddy attitude, the need to learn and inspect. He was excited about meeting someone new and wanted to know all about her, which led to his unthinking actions. While Tawny wouldn't outright attack anyone, unless they were trying to hurt someone she loved, this young male wouldn't be so fortunate with others. She hoped that knew that. His excitement had better start calming down a little bit, else he'd be in trouble with someone bigger, badder, and a lot more mean than the young female.

His question was clear, as she'd been asked the same thing quite a few times by many people around the pack lands. She turned around and grabbed her shoulder pack, lifting it up and showing him proudly. The thing was constructed of vines and sticks, with some large, thick looking leaves woven in as well. It was clearly hand made and crude, but worked well. The inside was full of little things she had been collecting, little trinkets and such. Many pretty rocks, flowers, feather and leaves of course. "I am..." She frowned as her mind searched for the right word to describe her position and the things that she liked to do. "Um...I am m-maker?"

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