will you tell me is this real

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Amaranth sighed as she made her way to the home she grew up in. She was having an off day and she wanted to see her mother. After all her only child was off with Niro and she wasn't even sure what they were up too. She thought about Vigilante's home and how Kable had only been there for a month when he left with there father. He should have taken her too. She missed her brother, she was missing her mother too.

"Mother" she called as she saw her and her uncle. There was another thing Kable didn't get a chance to meet his uncle or his other siblings. Amaranth hadn't wanted to but here she was happy now a mother and a big sister.

She approached hearing her mother say yes. But yes to what what could she possibly be agreeing to. "mother yes to what?" She asked. The red female moved to her family. "I've missed you both dearly."

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